The Marketing ToolkitSM

Hands-On Decision Support Tools 

based on Quantitative Market Information

The profitability and success of all businesses rests in the market­place.  Effective business planning therefore must require a Pervasive Marketplace Awareness based on reliable data.  However, merely understanding the marketplace is insuf­ficient. The information must be engaging and compelling of action through answering provocative what-if questions.  The Marketing Toolkits provide the “pervasive marketplace aware­ness” and facilitates customer information driven business development based on affordable quantitative marketing research.   However, the toolkit concept goes beyond the merely providing a view of information they are designed to provide the “hands-on” testing of ideas.  They are intended to help business management teams to fully utilize market information. 




The components in the toolkit consist of graphs, charts, simulators, models and tables driven off of market and business data.  These are not new concepts, but enhanced methods that have been used effectively throughout business and industry.  What the toolkit does is provide an ensemble of these tools in a useful effective way driven from a common knowledge-base and in a standardized format.  It should be viewed as a key part of a learning organization.  The intent is to allow the business team to become wiser by fully utilizing the knowledge and information available. 




The toolkits are designed around well struc­tured market research methods.  Relatively simple methods can be used with modest number of respondents for exploratory issues such as the assessment of a new product concept.  The resulting toolkits are referred to as Basic.  However for more involved business problems more complex customer measurements and analyses are needed.  The toolkits are designed to be modified to allow these additional sources of information to be integrated.

The Marketing Toolkits are built in Microsoft Excel without additional add-ins.  They are organized as a series of charts and table placed into interlinked spreadsheets.   Included in the workbook is the supporting marketing research data.  Input Data Sheets are provided to enter the marketing research data, characteristics, and the competitive intelligence.

The toolkit is not an end-point creation.  It grows, it is customized and it changes to meet the varying needs and distinction of busi­nesses and their competitive situations.  While the “look and feel” of the toolkits is intended to remain consistent, the set of tools and the information sources will vary.   Applications of the toolkits vary widely from fairly simple applications in the early planning and evaluation of new products to the more complex issues of planning a product launch and the repositioning of existing products and businesses.

 Applications of the Marketing Toolkit

·   Overall

·   The Marketing War Room

·   Business Assessment

·   Product Design

·   Offering Design

·   Product Pricing

·   Segmentation

·   Marketing Six Sigma

·   Branding

·   Customer Satisfaction

·   Reseller Analysis

·   Innovation







For more information on developing Marketing Toolkits:

Eugene B. Lieb

Custom Decision Support, LLC

(831) 854-2256