
Partial List of Charts, Tables, and Dashboards

The following is a partial list of typical charts, tables and Dashboards that are used in Your-Marketing-Toolkit.  Note that additional charts are prepared for special and unique measures and issues.  Each of these charts represent a family of presentations that are modified by options uniquely associated with the each chart, by changes in the selection of groups of respondents to be considered, and the selection of variables and products to be included.

Summary Table: (Evaluations/Importance) Average values of products /new concepts evaluations as well as measures of importance.     - Positioning

Perceptual Maps: (Evaluations/Importance) Shows competitive position among products.  The vectors based on correlation (factors) – Positioning

Importance Position: (Evaluations/ Impor­tance) Shows differences between derived and stated importance. - Positioning

Customer Value Position: (Importance/Benefit Value) Indicates concentration of customers and existence of major segments. - Segmentation

Product/Service-Supplier Position:  (Importance) Compares product value importance with that of services. – Positioning

Net Promoter Index:  (Evaluations) Measures the relative willingness of customers to recommend products. – Market Analysis

Dynamic Quadrant Maps:  (Evaluations/ Importance) Show the position of the attributes of products by performance, importance and relative advantage against specific competitor.                  – Positioning, Six Sigma.

Stated Importance and Benefit Displays: (Importance/Conjoint) Shows the distribution of   the importance or benefit value of two items with the identity of the respondent. – Sales Analysis

Sources of Information/ Key Influencers:  (Demographics) Shows the importance of the sources of information and key influencers for the group of respondents selected. - Promotion

Benefit/Feature Value:  (Conjoint) The results of the perceived benefit and feature value are shown as percentile and average values along with composite or bundle values.- Value Analysis, Product Design

Feature Bundle Value Distribution:  (Conjoint) Shows the distribution of value of specific features/benefits and combinations.  Discounting of multiple values is included as an option. Value analysis, Product Design

Applications/Processes/Equipment Used:  (Demographics) The characteristics of respondents’ operations are referred to as “Demographics” and are displayed in terms of their occurrence or use level. - Positioning

Competitive Pricing Model: (Choice Price)   Competi­tive pricing is measured by the use of a complete choice model from which interactive market price share and earnings simulators are developed.  – Micro-Econometrics

Demand and Earnings Curves:   (Choice Price) Pricing profiles are generated using the competi­tive pricing models indicating the demand and earnings curves along with individual product optimum price ranges. – Micro-Econometrics

Joint Earnings:  (Choice Price) Where the firm has two products competing in a market the joint earnings need to be considered in pricing.  This is shown on this curve as a joint earnings density map. – Micro-Econometrics

Price Elasticity: (Choice Model) Shows the relative change in demand with price across key products.  This indicates differences in relative demand for the products at various prices. – Micro-Econometrics

Value Line: (Choice Model) The “best” price for a product reflects the position of various costs and value points.  These are shown on this value line.     – Value Analysis

Strategic Value Map: (Evaluation/Choice Price) Shows the strategic product position based on a collective value (utility) and the price.  The optimum price range is also shown to indicate possible new directions. – Value Analysis

Van Westendorp Demand:  (Price Sensitivity) Concept testing focuses on the demand for a new concept against all others at various prices.  Van Westendorp method captures extreme limits on pricing (too high and too low as well as expectations.  – Concept Testing

Concept Demand & Earnings:  (Concept Pricing, Price Sensitivity) Combining both direct concept testing (given prices) and Van Westendorp measures allow for development of a price model based on the likelihood to purchase. – Concept Testing

Traditional Van Westendorp Curves:  (Price Sensitivity) Traditional Van Westendorp analysis focuses on the range of acceptable prices as the interception of various demand curves for new concepts. – Concept Testing

Product Awareness: (Demographics) Indicates the level (nature) of awareness by product brand - Branding

Awareness Penetration: (Demographics) An alternative view of awareness is the degree of “mind penetration”, that is the degree of cumulative awareness.  - Branding

Outcomes Occurrence: (Outcomes) Outcomes are the uses and tasks for the products,  The level of occurrence of the outcomes is a key measure of importance – Opportunity, SWOT Analysis

Outcomes Positioning: (Outcomes Evaluations) Shows the three measures of performance for outcomes: (1) stated importance, (2) incidence and (3) difficulty of performance - Opportunity

Correlation Map: (Evaluation) Shows the relative interrelationship among the measured items including objectives.  Colors indicate underlying or latent variable groups. – Value Analysis

Regression Results: (Evaluations) Regression analysis is a strong measure of key driving factors.  Stepwise-Ridge versions indicate major factors.  – Value Analysis

Importance vs. Dissatisfaction: (Evaluations) Shows the level of dissatisfaction (performance below set-points) by product in order of importance. – Opportunity Analysis

Pareto Chart of Dissatisfaction: (Evaluations) Shows dissatisfaction by product and level, displayed in order of level along with cumulative effect – Six Sigma, Opportunity Analysis

One-by-One Charts: (Evaluations/ Importance) Shows the relative average position of products based on selected two variables; vector position of other variables based on correlation - Position

Strategic Canvas: (Evaluation) Shows the relative value of performance features and claims for groups of products organized in the attribute importance. – Blue Ocean Strategy

Operational Beliefs & Risks: (Attitudes) Shows attributes as agreement with statements. – Branding, SWOT Analysis

Brand Beliefs: (Attitudes) Shows brand perceived strengths and beliefs.  Branding

Delphi Analysis:” (Future Events) Shows the detailed expected time horizon distribution for specific events. – SWOT Analysis

Attitudes Evaluation:  (Attitudes) Shows the detailed attitude agreement for specific statements. – SWOT Analysis

Claims Profiles: (Claims Evaluations) Shows the average claims performance by product.  Claims are simple clauses asserting the value of a product.  Value propositions are constructed from these claims. - Branding

Standardized Segment Profiles: (Importance, Conjoint, Attitudes) Shows the relative distinction among derived segments based on statistical cluster analysis.  Used to identify the nature of the segments – Functional Segmentation

Average Value Segment Profiles: (Importance, Conjoint, Attitudes) Shows the actual average values of segmentation criteria resulting from cluster analysis.  Used to determine the distinction among segments. – Functional Segmentation

Cluster Trees: (Importance, Conjoint, Attitudes) Shows the relative distinction among respondents being clustered.  Used to determine the effective number of segments. – Functional Segmentation

Current & Future Features: (Feature Profiling) Shows the comparison between current feature and brand selection that that preferred for the next purchase.  – Product Design

Loyalty by Brand: (Choice Pricing) Customer loyalty is estimated using the pricing simulator based on the share of current customers that will repurchase the brand.  – Branding, Market Analysis

Brands Considered: (Brand Consideration) Shows the other brands that will be considered beyond the current one.  This is an adjunct to the Brand Loyalty analysis showing the potential range of action – Market Analysis

Preferred New Features: (Feature Profiling) Shows the preferred new product features along with those features that are required (table stakes) and those that must not be included - Product Design

Product Simulation: (Feature Profiling) The product simulator provides the expected results of a choice among three hypothetical products based on feature profiling.   – Product Design

Product Simulation Results: (Feature Profiling) The results are estimates of the shares that each hypothetical design should capture under various

Relative Proportion Matrix: (Frequency Chart) The results show the relative frequency of conditions.  In this case we view the purchase intent of customers by their age.



Dynamic Positioning: (Performance Tracking) This indicates the dynamic position of products or groups.  The axes are either key variables or combinations based on statistical compression (MDS or Factor).


Price Estimate Smoothing: (Van Westendorp) The estimates of target pricing from Van Westendorp exercises can vary widely.  If assume that the expansive estimates (too expensive, too low, bargain) are functions of the expected value then outliners can be identified and the data smoothed.  This type of graph shows that analysis and indicator of the stability of the data.


For more information on developing Your-Marketing-Toolkits:

Eugene B. Lieb

Custom Decision Support, LLC

(831) 854-2256

© Copyright Custom Decision Support, LLC (2008, 2012)