Planning Workbooks and Guides
The workbooks, the Business Planning Guide and the List of Business Planning
Questions and Comments are intended as aids to the intrapreneurs, venture leaders and
teams to help define, evaluate and plan the conduct of ventures. They consist of annotated
check lists of issues that should be considered in the process of developing any new
venture. No list can cover all issues that may arise during the development of a venture.
However, these represent the best effort at this time. We view these documents to be
"ever-green"; frequent revisions are expected as events make new issues
Planning Overview Guide
This guide provides summaries of the planning workbooks and a
discussion of the overall planning process that they are intended to assist. Also included
are a list of the business processes and procedures that the workbooks are based on. |
Workbook |
Definition Phase
The definition phase of venture development is the most vital for success. It focus on
the definition of the venture and the development plan. The purpose of this phase is to
generate a clear development proposal for management.
New Venture Workbook
This workbook is designed to assist in the initial definition
of the new venture concept and the scoping of a feasible development plan. It focuses on
extending an initial product or market need concept into a full business concept which
then can be proposed for development. It is the first and critical step in the venture
development process and is intended for the person promoting the concept. |
Workbook |
New Venture Evaluation
The purpose of this workbook is the evaluation of the new
business concept. Much of the information for this workbook comes from the New Venture
Workbook and it should be viewed as a companion workbook. It is intended for
evaluation purposes, to be used by management with the person promoting the concept. The
focus of the workbook is on potential financial performance of the proposed venture and
the likelihood of success. |
Workbook |
Analysis Phase
The analysis phase consists of the process of venture redefinition and evaluation. As
such, the nature of the venture is expected to change during this phase. The workbooks
that have been prepared focus on the continuous redefinition of the business. Redefinition
is expected several time during this process
Product Offering &
Quality Workbook
This workbook is designed to assist in clarifying the design
of the product and identifying the elements of quality as viewed from the customer
perspective. Quality is defined as "meeting or exceeding customers
expectations." In this context Quality has to be built into the product and the
venture in order that the business will be successful. Early assessment of the capability
of the venture to meet the customer expectations is critical to determine feasibility.
This workbook is a companion to the Operations and Quality Workbook. That workbook
focuses on the delivery of quality. That workbook appears later in the development process
because the process is usually not developed sufficiently to allow detailed analysis. Both
the workbooks should be filled out as soon as possible to ensure Quality from the
beginning. |
Workbook |
Operations Development
This workbook focuses on the design of the operations for the
business. These include the methods of making and delivering the product and services. The
workbook includes estimates of sales, costs, and investments. Manpower requirements for
the venture are also reviewed. This workbook is intended to assist in the definition of
the processes rather than detailing the economic issues. |
Workbook |
Venture Analysis Workbook
This workbook assists the project leader or analyst in
preparing trial financial analyses for the new venture. Many of the cost estimates are
detailed in the Operations Development Workbook. This workbook should be considered
its companion. The workbook focuses on economic evaluation and are intended to be used
both by the project leader and management. |
Workbook |
Planning Phase
The planning phase is an advanced development of the venture. Usually approval for the
venture has been made. The phase is targeted for preparing the full business plan. The
purpose of the workbooks is to assist understanding the full range of issues that need to
be considered and to ensure that key issues are not skipped.
Operations & Quality
This workbook is intended to assist in the development of the
operations and to assure Quality. It is the companion to the Product and Quality
Workbook. The workbook focuses on the design of the process and the organization to
assure effective delivery of a quality product and services to the customer. |
Workbook |
Marketing & Sales Plan
This workbook focuses on the customer and the actions that we
wish him to take in order to be successful. It is mainly directed toward the sales and
customer support function. It is intended for the sales and marketing management function
as well as the venture leader. |
Workbook |
Product Position, Promotion,
& Distribution Workbook
This workbook takes a broad perspective on the marketing
functions. It includes concerns on pricing, promotional programs, product specifications,
and distribution. It is intended to assist in producing a consistent, effective, and
efficient marketing plan. The Marketing & Sales Plan Workbook
is a companion which provides customer input. |
Workbook |
Strategic and Competitive
Plan Workbook
Previous workbooks focused on the immediate business
opportunity. This workbook takes a strategic course, concern with long term competitive
position and growth. Competitive pricing policy, global opportunities, technology
development, new product opportunities, and manufacturing strategies are reviewed. |
Workbook |
Information Plan Workbook
Information is both necessary to plan a business and to run
it. This workbook focuses on both the need for information and the development of systems
to run the business and monitor results. Running the business includes effective
accounting and budgeting systems. The monitoring systems must allow for effective control.
Finally, technical and business research programs need to be established to monitor
competition, customer behavior, and apparent market needs. |
Workbook |
E-Marketing Workbook
E-Commerce has special requirements beyond those of standard
business operations as well as those common to other channels of communications and
distribution. This workbook focuses on developing an e-commerce business and the
associated web sites. |
Workbook |
Venturing Phase
The venturing phase of development consists of the actual formation of a commercial
business. This involves the sale of product on a regular and contract basis. At this
junction the business team must function under a relatively fixed budget and obtain
departmental and/or corporate approval.
Marketing Research Workbook
This workbook is design to lead an investigator through the
process of developing, testing, executing and analyzing an effective quantitative market
survey. It is designed for use by both business management and the marketing research
professional. |
Workbook |
Information Systems Planning
- Workbook
To be effective the goals of the management information
systems organization must be aligned with that of the operating businesses. The purpose of
this workbook is to assist in the strategic planning of the information systems
organization within a larger business organization. Planning of both decentralized and
centralized IS organization are covered. |
Workbook |
Business Planning Guide
This guide is intended to assist venture managers in
developing a comprehensive business plan. It is intended to be a check list of elements
that could be included in the plan. It is understood that most plans will exclude some
items. However, a review of those items that could be included should prompt the
discussion of issues otherwise overlooked. |
Guidebook |
List of Business Planning
Questions and Comments
This list of questions and comments were derived from the
various workbooks. We have found this list useful for assisting in the planning
process but also for senior management auditing. Good corporate governance requires
assurance of due diligence by business management. This document is useful by
provide an extensive list of issues that should be though about during the planning
process. |
Document  |