E. B. Lieb, "How Many R&D Projects to Develop?" , IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Vol. 45, Number 1, February 1998
E. B. Lieb & J. B. Gillease, "Du Pont Uses a Decision Support System to Select Its Audit Portfolio", Interfaces, Vol. 26, Number 3, May-June 1996
E. B. Lieb, "Building Market Models", Tutorial Presentation at the Agri-business Meeting of the American Marketing Association, November 1995
E. B. Lieb & W. H. Strawhacker & E. B. Lieb "Quality and Price", Quality Digest, March 1994
E. B. Lieb and W. H. Strawhacker, "Marketing Strategy and Quality" , Annual Marketing Conference of TIMS, March 1991
E. B. Lieb, "Issues in Developing and Implementing Decision Support Systems", International Meeting of TIMS, 1984
E. B. Lieb and I. Gross, "A General Product Sales Growth Curve", International Meeting of TIMS, 1985
E. B. Lieb, "The Impact of Assuring Some Success", Presented to the National Meeting of TIMS, 1982
E. B. Lieb, "Stochastic Economic Assessment of Research and Development Projects", presented at the Joint Meeting GVC/AIChE, Munich, W. Germany, 1974
E. B. Lieb, "Perfect-Mixing Approximation of Imperfectly Mixed Continuous Crystallizers", AIChE Journal, Vol. 19, No. 3, 1973 (646)
E. B. Lieb and H. R. Osmers, "The Effect of Diffusion on Crystal Size Distribution in a Continuous Crystallizer", Chem. Eng. Commun., Vol 1, 1973 (13)